Wednesday 4 September 2013

ABBA: The Winner Takes It All

It is easily forgotten that among the multitude of fluff in their back catalogue, that these Scandinavian song-smiths did occasionally pack an emotional wallop: and none more so than this love-as-a-poker game analogy.

And so the perfect choice for Meredith, still reeling from the aftershocks of the agonizingly long dissolution of her relationship with bearded pool accessory salesman Thomas.

The trouble was they broke up and got back together so often, that it had become difficult to actually take the breakups seriously. It was a boy and girl who cried wolf scenario: with bags packed and unpacked with such regularity that their bedroom began to resemble an airport terminal.

But it was really over this time. The straw that broke the camel's back was a can opener. She said it was in the bottom drawer, when in fact it was still in the dishwasher. He then questioned why a can opener needed to be washed in the first place? She asked him if he'd ever heard of food poisoning? Suggesting that he then 'look it up in the fukn dictionary yu fukn idiot!'

To which he responded with 'how'd yu get fukn food poisoning opnin a fukn cano tomato fukn soup!' said from the bedroom, where he had retreated with lightning speed, and was packing his suitcase with the expediency and experience of a sock rolling ninja. 

The reality did not dawn on her for about a week, after her numerous texts and phone messages went unanswered. Her immediate fear was that he had met with foul play...until a photo of him showed up at a barbecue on his brother's facebook, wielding tongs, and wearing an apron that said Nice Tits!!! 

So that's it then? she figured. Both saddened and relieved, sort of like finally getting rid of a case of the measles, but also missing the familiarity of the symptoms. 

An so let herself drown in the catharsis of this song, stirring her black russian with a straw, while also eyeing up the taxi driver playing snooker in the corner.  




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