Monday 19 August 2013

Stevie Nicks: I Can't Wait

Let us not forget that it's not all tears and wine coolers at the Sad Girl Wine Bar...but also restitution, and defiant new beginnings. The Valkyries who lead these tequila soaked battle cries of new found freedom include Pat Benatar, Heart, and the sorceress of crystal visions herself: Stevie Nicks.

Scientists have recently discovered a small nodule in the female brain called the leather fringed handbag praxis that is activated solely upon exposure to this song in public places. The first symptom is that, regardless of hairstyle, the sufferer will attempt to turn it into that of a stripper, mainly by raking at it wildly with their hands, whilst also shaking it vigorously.

And it is this state that we find Tarquin, freshly liberated from her entanglement with long haul trucker and anal sex enthusiast Todd 'the moose' McKinnon, and so dressed to spill in knee high boots with her boobs rustled up to rest like two brooding hens above a leopard print bra that is easily spotted through the unbuttoned neck of her red satin blouse with the whole lot doused in enough Shalimar perfume to render an actual moose unconscious at 100 meters.  

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